Dr. Firas Husban Clinic

Dr. Firas Husban is one of the best consultants in orthopedics, joints and spine in the Middle East and North Africa. Dr. Firas Al-Hosban worked in the Royal Medical Services previously.

Dr. Firas Husban

Consultant spine orthopedics

Associate degrees:

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons-Glasgow has granted Dr. Firas Mohamed Falih al-Hosban a British Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery after the College Council approved his membership grant for his expertise in highly difficult and dangerous operations surgery and with high skill.

The Royal College of Surgeons in Britain is considered one of the most prestigious colleges whose membership is equivalent to a Ph.D. and is considered one of the strongest certificates granted to the most famous doctors in the world and which has been operating for nearly four hundred years. The College opens the way for distinguished surgeons to apply for exams and procedures that are required to obtain this fellowship.

Dr. Al-Hosban has gained a local and international reputation as a result of his distinguished work as it is the first to introduce endoscopic spine surgery to Al-Hussein Medical City with great success recorded by the Arab and international press and conducted many successful surgeries at the local and regional levels, the most prominent of which was the first of its kind in the Middle East As the disc was removed laparoscopically for the first lumbar vertebra without damaging the muscle tissue and nerves.

He also previously served as Head of the Spine Surgery Specialist and Advisor for Orthopedic and Joint Surgery at Al Hussain Medical City Hospital.

The difference between traditional and laparoscopic surgeries in treating spine - Dr. Firas Husban
Dr. Firas Husban tells us about the difference between traditional and laparoscopic surgeries in treating the spine


New day - meeting with Dr. Firas Husban Consultant orthopedics

New day - meeting with Dr. Firas Al-Hosban Medical and surgical consultant, meeting with Dr. Firas Al-Hosban Consultant orthopedics in a new day program on Jordanian TV. Presented by: Dama Al-Kurdi and Muhammed Al-Adwan General Supervision: Mamoun Massad Thursday: 12-21-2017